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Aug 27, 2021

Mike Taravella and Interviews Ryan Daigle of Flywheel Equity.

Key Information:

Understand what your goals are to know what type of investing you should be doing. It may not be syndications!

Make sure you know what the IRR truly means and know if that is the metric you should be looking at. There is a lot more to a deal that what the projections are as your projections change month one. Understand the quality of the deal and why you are investing in that asset class.

Communication with your LPs should have different levels. Have options for more granular details and other options for basic information. Think, a Slack channel vs email.

Test your theories with your own money and effort. Then take on investors and grow at a larger scale. Ryan is working this effort on his 5 cabin AirBnB!

Pro tip: Don’t get star struck by return projections. Understand what you are investing in on a deeper level.

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